Wednesday, 1 November 2017

Glossybox Subscription | First Box

I recently subscribed to Glossybox which is a beauty subscription in which you get delivered five products directly to your door varying from makeup, hair, and skincare. I'm excited to start trying out some new products and letting you guys know what I have received every month.

I am EXTREMELY happy with what I got sent in my first box as I was quite wary about signing up but I'm over the moon and cannot wait to see what else I get gifted.

Vitamasques Hydro Face Mask RRP: £7.99 / Shop -

First up we have the Vitamasques Hydro Face Mask which a lot of people have been using recently and know them as the 'sheet masks'. These masks infuse the skin with a heavy dose of moisture and keep your skin hydrated for almost 120 hours! 

Gosh Copenhagen Long Lasting Lip Marker RRP: £8.50 / Shop -

I've never actually heard of this product before but I'm intrigued to see how long this lasts on my lips. It looks a lot like a highlighter pen that I would use to revise but I'm sure it's not... who knows. This is aimed at giving a hint of pink to your lips which is hydrating and super easy to use when you're on the go.

Too Faced Better Than Sex Mascara RRP: £19 / Shop:
Now this is what got me SUUUUUPER excited when I opened the box! I've been wanting to try this product for such a long time and never got round to ordering it. I immediately tried this product and it is just as amazing as everyone has said. My eyelashes are naturally flat so I do tend to use vaseline on my eyelashes before application but I used this mascara without and WOOOOOW!!!! My eyelashes have never looked so curled before! I got sent a mini size of this product but I will be purchasing this product in full size as soon as I run out. I LOVE IT. The formula is aimed to thicken and lengthen the lashes and it's build-able depending on how drastic you want your eye make up to look.

Rodial Smokey Eye Pen RRP: £17 / Shop:

Now I am excited to try this product as I actually don't own a smokey eye pen in my collection. This is going to be perfect for this time of year as I can blend it out with eye shadow looks to make them look smokier which is perfect for Autumn/Winter! This can be used to create a neat line of jet black along the lash line or blended out to create a smokey finish. It's extremely pigmented and the gel texture allows the product not to smudge.

Revlon Gel Envy Diamond Top Coat RRP: £6.95 / Shop -
Overall I absolutely love this box and I would recommend subscribing to this box if you're wanting to receive 5 beauty products every single month! To subscribe to this box Click Here. Prices start from £10.00 a month.

I hope you've enjoyed reading this post and looking at what fantastic products I was sent this month! Let me know in the comments below if you're subscribed to any beauty boxes.

Lots of love, Sami x


The Versatile Blogger Award

So I was nominated for The Versatile Blogger Award by Kirsty over at JustKirstyMaynard - so make sure you check her out as she has an amazing blog and is extremely lovely! Thank you Kirsty!

The rules of the award are to tell you 7 facts about me and to then nominate 15 other bloggers for the Versatile Award so lets get started.

1. I studied DIPLOMA Level 3 Early Years Educator at college for 3 years.
2. I started teaching myself photography when I was 11.
3. From the age of about 6 me and my family started going on road trips to a lot of places in Europe, including, France, Spain, Italy, Switzerland.
4. I recently worked in Majorca as a Kids Club Rep and Creché Nanny.
5. I prefer watching TV shows over movies.
6. Autumn/Winter are my favourite seasons.
7. My favourite food is Spaghetti Carbonara.

Now, I will nominate fifteen other bloggers for the reward. I nominate:
Charlotte Louise

I hope you've enjoyed reading the facts about me and make sure you go and check out all these beautiful blogs, they're all so talented and lovely people!

Lots of love, Sami x


Thursday, 26 October 2017

My Top Six Bronzers and Blushers For All Year Round

When it comes to make up I really love trying different products and seeing what works best for me and my skin but as soon as I find those 'comfortable' products, I tend to stick to what I know. These Six Bronzers and Blushers are what I reach for the most as I know they work wonders for my skin and they may do for you too! 

I'm going to start with a newer purchase but I haven't been able to find the EXACT product online but I do know you can buy this in drugstores such as Boots but I have linked a similar product to the shimmer brick.

Seventeen Instant Glow Summerbrick I was intrigued with this product when I was looking in Boots as it looked very similar to the Bobbi Brown Shimmer Brick, which is priced at £32.50. There are usually 4-5 shimmary shades lined up together in a Shimmer Brick and the shades can be used individually or swirled together as a highligher, bronzer or even an eyeshadow. I see the lightest shade as a highlighter which works so well to define your cheekbones and then the other three darker shades of bronze as contouring and defining colours. They all feature shimmered pigments which give you that all important glow that really wakes up your face and gives it radiance! Honestly, what more could you want?! This product is priced at just £4.99 and I think it works so well to give your face that extra warm glow especially in the Autumn/Winter season!

Benefit Hoola Bronzer is one of those products which lived in my wishlist for such a long time and I feel as if it's one of those classic beauty products which everybody needs to have in their collection. I only added this product to my collection at Christmas and I cannot believe I didn't have it sooner! The packaging is too cute and I thought that the cardboard packaging would bother me, but I think it is that whole aethetic of the Benefit Hoola range that the bamboo edging just suits the product so well. It's priced at £24.50 which is what I would say is high end but it is so worth it. I've had mine for over a year and it's not still not hit pan! I also want to touch on how amazing it blends and you never have to worry about putting on too much and looking like a bit of mud as it just blends away like a dream.

Maybelline Master Sculpt was in fact one of my first purchases when the contour phase came about. I must admit I was quite fooled when I saw the product as I thought it was a deeper pan but then I was surprised again when I saw that you get a mirror and a brush with it which I think it's pretty quirky. The Master Scuplt is priced at £7.99 so you definitely do pay for what you get. The product can be purchased in two different shades, Light/Medium which is warm toned and Medium/Dark which is cool toned. I do prefer to use the Light/Medium shade as a bronzer as it doesn't look dirty on my skin but I would use the Medium/Dark shade if I was to contour. They recommend to use the powder along the base of your cheekbones, your temples, jawbone and your nose to add definition and to help sculpt the face.

Sleek Contour Kit Living on the Isle of Wight we're always quite limited with what we have so we only recently got a Sleek stand in our local Boots. I actually went over to the 'mainland' (what we call it) to buy this product and I'm so glad I did. It's so creamy and blend-able which again is great as you know you won't look like a muddy mess! It's a great product to use when you're too confident with contouring and the medium shade matches my skin well. Sleek's Face Contour Kit comes in a sleek black box which I really like and its very compact and classy looking. This product is priced at £6.99 and it comes in three different shades, Light, Medium and Dark. They provide an information sheet with how to use it when contouring and I think this is handy for beginners with contouring. 

No7 Match Made Powder Blush - Soft Damson I'm actually quite gutted that I've only just realised that they've discontinued this shade but nonetheless they still have some other fantastic shades! I find this product is so pigmented that you have to be so careful when dunking your brush in to your product so you don't end up looking like a clown. I wouldn't say this is my favourite blusher as it can leave quite a pink tone on my cheeks which isn't what I go for but if I use the right amount it can give off a nice finish to my make up look. This product is priced at £9 from Boots and other local drugstores which have a NO7 counter. I think the packaging of this product is quite basic which is want I like as it does look quite classy.

Max Factor Creme Puff Blush - Nude Mauve I picked up this little gem when I was watching a YouTube video and I'm so glad I went out and picked this up! Although this is technically a powder blusher, this baked powder feels very creamy when you touch the surface and also when you apply this to your cheeks as it blends and doesn't leave you looking like a bright pink flower. Priced at only £8.99, this blusher is a really nice little bargain and arguably a budget dupe for the Hourglass Ambient Lighting Blush. Max Factor's Creme Puff Blush powder have the same multi-tonal idea; Nude Mauve combines swirls of flattering bronze and gives off a very healthy glow. For me, Nude Muave is just one of those shades that you can't go far wrong with. The hint of mauve stops it from being too flat and adds the tiniest bit of outdoorsy flush, but if you want to use the powder strictly to scuplt (in a low-key way) then the warmth doesn't interfere.

Thank you so much for reading and hope you enjoyed it as much as I did creating it. Let me know in the comments if you've tried any of these products!

Lots of love, Sami x


Sunday, 22 October 2017

My Six Favourite Lip Colours Right Now

It was only the other month when I was sorting through all my make up that I remembered the love I have for my lipsticks. I've got quite a few in my collection and I thought today I'd share with you the lipsticks that I have been loving recently.

The first three lipsticks I have been loving are by NYX. In my local Boots store we only got a NYX counter last year and as soon as they did these were the first three items I picked up. These lipsticks are the Soft Matte Lip Creams and they feel so amazing on the lips. They aren't drying and they somewhat last as long as a lip cream does. 

NYX Soft Matte Lip Cream - Addis Ababa bright pink shade and I was quite wary about picking this shade up as it's not what I usually go for. I'm a nude, red or a dark shade kind of girl but this shade really does work on my lips and with my skin colour. You can pick this up in any local drugstore which sells NYX for £6. 

NYX Soft Matte Lip Cream - Stockholm This is the typical colour I would go for on my lips so of course I picked this up to add to my nude collection and I really do love it. It feels so soft on my lips and glides on so easy. It's the perfect nude for all year round.

NYX Soft Matte Lip Cream - Copenhagen I would usually wear this shade in the Autumn and Winter season as it's a pretty dark shade but it is one of my favourites colours to wear. I would say about this being a dark colour that it does seem to wear off easier than the other shades so needs to be topped up more regularly. 

These next three lipsticks are by MAC. I've heard a lot of people say lately that MAC lipsticks are becoming over rated but these 3 nudes are my 'go-to' lipsticks this time of year. Like a lot of people I picked up these shades from the pure fact that EVERYBODY was wearing these this time last year and I don't regret it one bit.

MAC Cosmetics - Whirl I'd been dying to try a brown-toned lipstick for so long but I was worried it going to cast on my teeth, you know when some lipsticks make it look like you've not brushed your teeth in about 5 years? I'm so glad that when I tried this lipstick that all my worries went away! This shade is perfect and it's priced at £16.50.

MAC Cosmetics - Twig This was my first eve MAC Cosmetics purchase and the lady in the shop recommended it to me. I was quite worried about it not being 'my colour' as I didn't pick it myself but as you can see I've worn it so much that the MAC logo has rubbed off! MAC's Satin finish is one of my favourite formulations from the brand because it contains a hint of sheen without it being too much.

MAC Cosmetics - Velvet Teddy Now Velvet Teddy is one of the most popular shades in my opinion and I just had to jump on the band wagon. It's a matte shade so it leaves no stains when having a drink or even kissing someone! Although it is a matte shade it's one of the most hydrating matte lipsticks I've tried. It also doesn't accentuate any dry patches on your lips. Brown lips aren't for everybody but I find that Velvet Teddy is a very unique shade as it has a slight red undertone to it and I think it can work well on everybody.

So that's it for today's post and I hope you enjoyed the read! Happy Sunday and I hope you all have had a fantastic weekend. I definitely have! I've just got back from picking my pumpkins. Let me know in the comments below:

Lots of love, Sami x


Wednesday, 18 October 2017

Travel Snaps || Ibiza

A couple of weeks back my boyfriend and I decided we wanted to go on our first holiday together. We decided to do this as a last minute holiday which I'm so glad we did! We've both been working SO hard this year and both needed a very relaxing holiday to recoup. We chose to go to Ibiza (and not for the party) but to explore how beautiful Ibiza really is. We spent most of our time lazying around the pool and drinking plenty of cocktails and beers for Lee.

We really wanted this holiday to be completely dedicated to relaxing which is exactly what it was and we were situated in such a beautiful area we could not sit around everyday so we decided to take a wonder in to a place called 'Cala Nova'. and it was maaaaaagnificent.

One of the top things to do on my 'to do list' was to pay a visit to Ibiza Town and that's exactly what we did towards the end of our holiday. We caught the bus from Es Canar which took 40 minutes or so but it was so worth it! Ibiza old town is so beautiful and it's full of quirky little shops. The views were stunning so I managed to snap some pretty awesome photos.  If you ever visit Ibiza I highly suggest you visit Ibiza Town and take in the incredible views.

and we could not go to Ibiza Town without stopping off at Hard Rock Café and treating ourselves to their mahooooosive burgers. 

This holiday did not let me down and I'm so glad I had the best company from Lee. 
Thank you reading and enjoying my holiday snaps just as much as I do, let me known down below in the comments if you've ever been to Ibiza and what your favourite place is.
Adios, Sami x 


Sunday, 9 October 2016

Get To Know Me!

Today I thought I would share with you a personal post to help you get to know me a little better as this is my first post to be published on my blog! Over the years I have seen many bloggers & YouTubers do the ‘Get to Know Me Tag’ which includes 25 personal questions. I hope you enjoy getting to know me a little better as much as I enjoyed answering them!

1. What is your middle name?
My middle name is probably one of the most common and it is Ann!

2. What was favourite subject at school?
To be honest like a lot of people I never really enjoyed school for a number of reasons but when I was in middle school I really enjoyed the Design Technology and Art lessons until I went to high school and was interested in Child Development.

3. What is your favourite drink?
Non-alcoholic is probably Fanta Orange and then I love a glass (or bottle) of Prosecco or Cava.

4. What is your favourite song at the moment?
Oh jeeeeez.. this is a hard question when I have such a mixed music taste. I’ll get back to this one I promise!

5. What is your favourite food?
My favourite food is Mac 'n' Cheese and if you know me. 

6. What is the last thing you bought?
A Jack Wills jumper to keep me warm in the airport. 

7. Favourite book of all time?
Rainbow & Park by Rainbow Rowell, All The Bright Places & Holding Up The Universe by Jennifer Niven and the Divergent Book series. 

8. Favourite Colour?
There is more than one! Copper, Dusky Pink and Grey!

9. Do you have any pets?
I have a fish how boring! But my boyfriend has 2 cute cats called Bailey and Willow. 

10. Favourite Perfume?
Paco Robanne Olmypia which is my signature smell and I absolutely love it! It's gorgeous!

11. Favourite Celebration?
I love to make the most of every celebration but my favourite of them all will always be Christmas. Although I actually prefer the lead up to Christmas more than the actual day!

12. What is your relationship status?
I am in a stable and happy relationship. His name is Lee and he’s pretty damn awesome. 

13. What is your favourite country?
I have travelled to many different countries (all in Europe!) in my life so this is a very tough question to answer! Each country has its amazing qualities but I would say the country has to be France as I've created so many memories their with my family! But also Greece is wonderful place to go, I've been to Crete, Rhodes and Kos and they're all so beautiful and unique!

14. Do you speak any other language?
I did actually go to a language school so I studied French and Italian but I can't speak them fluently unfortunately.

15. How many siblings do you have?
I have one older sister who is 25 so there is a 5 years gap between us.

16. What is your favourite shop?
This changes a lot of the time but I will always have a low of good old New Look, Topshop and truth be told I usually do my shopping online so I love Boohoo, Asos, Missguided.

17. Favourite restaurant?
The Portland Inn which is located in Gurnard, Isle of Wight. 

18. When was the last time you cried? 
Quite a while ago! 

19. Favourite Blog?
In The Frow is definitely a favourite.

20. Favourite Film?
The classic romantic film The Notebook is always a favourite and I do love to watch Harry Potter too. 

21. Favourite TV shows?
Pretty Little Liars, The Vampire Diaries, Riverdale, Doctor Foster, Westworld, Stranger Things, Gilmore Girls.

22. PC or Mac?

23. What phone do you have?
iPhone 7 Rose Gold.

24. How tall are you?
5'5 so average!

25. Can you cook?
I love cooking but definitely prefer to cook with other people around me! I do also love to bake!

So there you go my 25 ‘Get to Know Me’ tag questions. If you have any other questions that you would like to ask me, fire them away in the comments below.

Thank you for reading my first ever blog post and look forward to seeing many more posts in the future!

With love,
Sami ♥

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